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React JS Training

Ready to kickstart your IT career?

Level up your skills with real-world IT trainings in Python, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, and Web Designing.

What you can expect during React JS training?

A React.js training involves gaining practical experience in building web applications using the React JavaScript library. React.js is a popular front-end library developed by Facebook for creating user interfaces and UI components. Here’s a general description of what a React.js training might involve:

Position Title: React.js Development Trainee

Duration: Typically spans from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the company’s program.

Objective: To provide trainee with hands-on experience in developing user interfaces and web applications using React.js, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge and learn new skills in a professional setting.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Frontend Development: Assist in designing and implementing user interfaces using React components, considering user experience (UX) and design principles.

  • Component Development: Collaborate with the team to create reusable and modular UI components that can be efficiently integrated into various parts of the application.

  • State Management: Learn about state management libraries like Redux or context API to manage application data and ensure smooth interactions.

  • API Integration: Work with APIs to fetch and display data dynamically within the React application.

  • Routing: Implement routing using libraries like React Router to create multi-page applications with smooth navigation.

  • Responsive Design: Ensure that the user interface is responsive and looks good on various devices and screen sizes.

  • Testing: Contribute to writing unit tests and performing testing to ensure the functionality and reliability of the application.

  • Collaboration: Work closely with backend developers, designers, and other team members to integrate frontend components with the backend and create a seamless user experience.

  • Version Control: Use version control systems like Git to manage code changes and collaborate effectively with team members.

  • Performance Optimization: Learn techniques to optimize the performance of the application, including minimizing render times and reducing unnecessary re-renders.


  • Enrolled in or a recent graduate of a computer science, software engineering, or related program.

  • Basic understanding of JavaScript and web development concepts.

  • Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and frontend development principles.

  • Exposure to React.js and its core concepts (components, state, props, etc.).

  • Strong problem-solving skills and an eagerness to learn and adapt to new technologies.

  • Good communication skills and ability to work within a team.


  • Hands-on experience in building user interfaces and web applications using React.js.

  • Exposure to real-world development projects and industry-standard tools.

  • Opportunity to work with state management libraries and APIs.

  • Understanding of frontend architecture and design patterns.

  • Networking opportunities within the web development community.

  • Potential for receiving references and recommendations for future employment.

Remember that the specifics of a React.js training can vary based on the company’s projects and focus. When applying for an training, carefully review the job description and requirements to ensure that your skills align with the expectations of the training program.


React.js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and efficiently manage the state of an application. It's often used for building single-page applications and mobile applications.

The candidate must have the basic understanding of computer and internet works. And good to have the basic knowledge of  HTML , CSS and JavaScript concepts.



Props (short for properties) are used to pass data from a parent component to a child component, while State is used to manage dynamic data within a component. Props are read-only, while State can be updated using setState.

The Virtual DOM is a concept in React where a lightweight copy of the actual DOM is maintained. When changes are made to the state of a component, React compares the Virtual DOM with the previous state to determine the minimal set of changes needed to update the actual DOM, which helps improve performance.

Lifecycle methods are methods that are automatically invoked at different stages of a component's lifecycle, such as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount. They allow you to control behavior and perform actions at specific points in a component's life.

Hooks are functions introduced in React 16.8 that allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Common hooks include useState for managing state and useEffect for handling side effects in functional components.

React provides controlled components for handling forms. In a controlled component, form elements are controlled by state, and their values are set and managed using state. This allows you to easily validate, manipulate, and submit form data.

The os.path module in Python provides functions to manipulate file paths and directories in a way that is compatible with different operating systems. In Python 3.4 and above, the pathlib module offers an object-oriented approach to working with paths.

React components are reusable building blocks that encapsulate UI elements and their logic. They can be either functional components (using functions) or class components (using classes).

Ready to kickstart your IT career?

Level up your skills with real-world IT training in Python, JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, and Web Designing.

+91 63 5184 7486
‎+91 79 3580 3261

10:00 AM To 7:00 PM
Monday To Friday

607, Link, 100 Feet Rd, opposite Shree Vishnudhara Gardens, Gota, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382481

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